Meet the Pastors

Pastors Derrick & Trish Morrissette have a heart for God, and a heart for His people. They love to see people excel, grow and develop into the man or woman that God has called them to be. Their heart’s desire is to break the bread of life so that more souls can be saved, and more lives impacted like never before.

They have been in ministry for decades serving as leaders in many different capacities, but the greatest call is being a servant of the most high God!

They believe that if they can change your mind about life, they can change your life, and change your destiny all according to the word of God. Under their leadership, they have raised up leaders, impacted marriages, and have seen healing and deliverance manifest in so many lives during their time of ministry. Pastor Derrick loves building and empowering the men, and Pastor Trish pushes and encourages women to be all that God has called them to be… Spirit, Soul, and Body! 

What do they believe?

"We believe in making an IMPACT....on purpose!"

We believe in making an impact in the lives of those around us.

We impact on purpose.

We impact with purpose.

We impact the world. We impact the city. We impact the region. We impact the nations.

We impact people to be who they were born to be, to do what they were destined to do, and go where they are destined to go.

We impact thru prayer, ministry, training and developing the people that God has called us to.

We impact because God has impacted us. We live for God. We breathe for God. We serve for God. We lead for God.

We impact because God has called us to live an impactful life!

From Pastor Derrick

Have you ever thought or wondered why family is important. Whether you view it from a biblical viewpoint or a physical viewpoint, I believe it’s undeniably an intricate part of our journey in this life. I believe family is not only an important thing,but it’s everything.

The family is central to God’s plan for His children. It is also the central unit of society and the means for bringing children into the world where they can be loved, provided for, and taught truth and righteousness. God had a perfect plan from the beginning (Genesis) when He thought it not good for Adam to be alone & so He made Adam a helper suitable for him.

God truly has shown an abundance of favor to me with the family He has blessed me to lead, guide, & direct in His ways. He has blessed me with a wonderful, amazingly talented, and FABULOUS wife of 14 years & a best friend since the first grade..Wow!! He has given me a son whom is enthusiastic, energetic, & gifted beyond measure. Most of all, he loves his father sincerely which demands me to walk circumspectly..not perfection but with purpose. He also has given me a beautiful daughter (my pretty girl) that her mother declares her as “mommy’s girl” but that’s questionable because I truly believe she’s a daddy’s girl. She is truly a blessing to our house. I believe they all will be a blessing to those they come into contact with. As stated earlier, I believe that family is not only an important thing, but everything. Enjoy and embrace the family that God has blessed you with.

From Prophetess Trish

Direction. Direction. Direction. What are you doing? Where are you going? How much time is it going to take to get there? What route are you going to take? How long is it going to take you to get there? Do you know? describes direction as a line of thought or action, or a tendency or inclination. It is instruction or guidance for something….order, management, control, guidance, or even supervision. Now my question to you is…do you have it?

The main reason why so many people lack direction is because they were never taught to have it in the first place. How can a man know how to be a good husband or father if all he saw was foolishness? The same for a woman…how can she be “wifey material” when all she knew or grew up on was permiscuity. Without learning to have direction or purpose will cause us to live a life that’s average or below average. Many people will follow what is considered the “norm” for their life. They pretty much do what they grew up seeing and doing with nothing more to anticipate because this is just “the way it is”.

For us to have direction early on in life, it has to be shown or taught to us. If your parents never had true direction growing up, then it would be hard for them to show you. You can’t teach something that you don’t have knowledge of. The reality is, a majority of people never really had true direction growing up. So, what do you do? YOU FIND IT! So, the next question would be… how do you find direction in your life?